The Choice is Mine
by Dawnalee Shields

(Tap suggested points while repeating affirmations.)

Karate Chop:
Even though I’ve allowed myself to indulge in victim thinking and look for answers outside myself, I choose to accept who I am and how I think.

Even though I’ve been thinking I am right and justified, I choose to love and accept myself anyway.

Even though I feel I must judge, I choose to release my resistance and expand my ability and power to change.

EyeBrow (EB): I choose letting go of blame and judgement
SideofEye (SE): I give myself permission to be wrong during my JOYney
UnderEye (UE): I choose letting go of forcing control
UnderNose (UN): I choose accepting challenges with gratitude and receive the lessons they bring
Chin (C): I choose accepting the perfection in everyone and everything including myself
CollarBone (CB): I choose loving unconditionally
UnderArm (UA): I choose forgiving
InsideWrist (IW): I choose forgiving unconditionally the people and circumstances I hold accountable

EB: I choose forgiving myself completely
SE: I choose accepting responsibility for my actions and behavior
UE: I choose being accountable for my feelings, thoughts and emotions
UN: I choose being accountable for my attitude and beliefs
C: I choose being 100% accountable for the words I speak and the words I think
CB: I give myself permission to assess my mind, body, heart and spirit with kindness
UA: I choose to acknowledge my imbalances, adjust them, and make course corrections
IW: I choose to move forward. I choose to move on.

Thymus: (lightly tap if before noon, gently pat if afternoon or evening)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I give thanks in all things. The choice is mine.
Thank you for showing me I create my own joy and peace of mind. The choice is mine.
Thank you for inspiring me to be master of my destiny. The choice is mine.
Thank you for helping me recognize and accept with unconditional love the perfection in everything, in experience, in timing, in the gift each moment brings.
I shift easily to a higher vibration.
I grow effortlessly in becoming my authentic self.
I am grateful to be me. My JOYney is perfectly just right.
Thank you! Thank You! THANK YOU!

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