Double Cone Construct Process

(Restoration of [say whatever is required] on a cellular level to the Norm of the Creator)

Adapted from material given at the Facebook Organ Re-generation Process Group:


First I mentally construct a double cone (the shape of an hourglass) with a center opening the size of a ring made by putting my thumb and index finger together.  The Double Cone is positioned horizontally. I turn the Double Cone Construct clockwise so that the right cone is facing my body. I now focus on a Personal Goal (Restoration of [say whatever is required] on a cellular level to the Norm of the Creator) and send the information into the right side of the Double Cone.  At the point where the two cones meet, I put the number eight (8) as a symbol of eternity.  I intensify the 8 by illuminating it with silvery-white light.  The information reaches the connecting point, is transformed to the Norm of the Creator, and leaves through the left cone, into reality.  The density of the exiting information is the same as the density of the information entered.  By means of the 8 the transformation becomes lastingly potent.  Once the transformation is complete, the Double Cone Construct dissolves.

Additional Information

Right Cone: Entrance for events to be transformed (disease, pain, unemployment, relationship problems, etc.)

Left Cone: Exit for events that have been transformed to the Norm of the Creator (health, well-being, satisfying work situation, harmonious relationships, etc.)

Connecting Point: The place of transformation of the information entered to the Norm of the Creator.

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